GPI Control
Two Video Outputs
Analog Video only
16 Video Inputs
Vertical Interval
One Rack Unit Cabinet
Controls Up to 32 Switchers
Includes 816 OP/A
Windows™ Based Control Software
Computer Control Panel
The AVS-816/VA is an analog video only switcher. The switcher design provides features not found in
This unit is a wide band-width vertical interval product of equal category. The AVS-816 chassis
video switcher designed for the video professional may be used for any of the plug-in options.
in mind. It features compact modular design which Upgrading to SDI or HD/SDI is simply done by
allows it to handle video or audio in a one rack unit ordering the requires module. Interfacing into the
chassis. The unit has sixteen channels of video chassis is accomplished by flat ribbon cables. The
and and an optional stereo audio module. Digital individual module is shipped from the factory
and analog switching modules for both video and completely calibrated and adjusted for optimum
audio may be mixed in any combination for performance. Up to 32 switchers can be controlled
complete system flexibility. The inputs are non- by the computer software.
looping and offer outstanding return loss
The AVS-816/VA may be controlled by a serial
data feed of either RS-232 or RS-422/485
When equipped with the audio module, break- interfacestandards, selectablebyasimpleinternal
away is selected by a single switch on the front DIP switch. A remote control panel is also
panel. Dual LED’s on the source selection and available which utilizes the common RJ-11
follow switch indicate follow or break-away. The modularconnectoralongwiththeRS-485interface
AVS-816/VA allows the user to efficiently and standard. For automated system applications, an
economically route or delegate multiple video optional GPI interface is available.
The serial communication protocol is compatible
The optional audio module provides convenient 3- with existing Link video and audio switchers and
pin Weco connectors for the input signals, which remote control panels. For integration into existing
detach individually, allowing the user to pre-wire systems , the AVS-816/VA can be preset to
them before connecting to the switcher.
respond to that instruction set as well.
2137 Rust Ave.
Cape Girardeau, MO 63703
Phone: 573 334 4433
FAX: 573 334 9255
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